Familiarity with the structure and general operation of car electricity

The car’s electrical system consists of several components, each of which has a specific function. Charging system is the main electrical system in a vehicle, which includes alternator, battery and voltage regulator. These parts are the power source for other electrical components of the car. Although voltage regulators are included in the alternator and act as energy converters, there are many electrical components that rely on the vehicle’s electrical system. In this article, we are going to examine the electrical system of the car and describe its components completely.

Definition of vehicle electrical system

Automotive electrical systems are electrically controlled devices in the vehicle that receive energy from the car’s battery and then return it to the battery. In general, the car charging system includes a dynamo and a battery. This battery is used to power the car starter and help the engine to run. While the duty of the alternator is to charge the car battery.

In addition to this charge, some automotive vehicles are designed with magneto ignition, which produces a force that creates a spark in the combustion chambers of the spark plug. It is also used to power some electrical components, which helps save battery consumption. All electrical circuits of cars are either opened and closed by a switch or relays and fuses are used to prevent overload.

From the electric motor, sensors, gauges, heating element, headlights, brake and turn signals, radio, television, air conditioning system, blowers, interior lights, refrigerator system, ignition system, etc., all these components receive power from the battery. The battery is charged by the alternator. Note, when the engine is running, all electrical devices are powered by the alternator regulator. This is because the current coming out of the alternator is greater than the battery current when the car is running.

Automotive electrical system components

According to the components mentioned above, the main electrical parts of a vehicle include alternator, battery and regulator. There are also other electrical parts that have important functions in this system. These are as follows:

car battery

The battery is another essential component in the vehicle charging system, as it acts as a reservoir of electrical energy. As the engine is running, the alternator directly charges the battery. The battery can also power electrical components when the engine is off. Regarding the importance of this part, it can be noted that if this part fails for any reason, the car will not start and turn on.

The car needs electric energy from the car battery to turn on and start. When the car is started, the batteries will be charged. Normally, the car battery should be replaced every two years. Of course, if the battery is exposed to vibration and excessive heat, its life will decrease significantly. Today, two types of batteries are used in the car’s electrical system. The first type is lead-acid batteries, which are also called batteries. The second type is atomic batteries, which are known as dry batteries. Also, batteries are different in terms of electrical power. But in most cars, batteries with 12 volts and 60 amperes are used.

Car starter

Car starter is a powerful electric motor that starts your car. The starting system consists of the motor itself and the power switch. The power switch is what takes energy from the battery and delivers it to the starter motor. Most of the time, when the car won’t start and the battery is fully charged, the starter motor is damaged.


The alternator is one of the main parts of the car’s electrical system, because it plays the best role. The electrical power that charges the battery comes from the alternator. But the current generated is alternating current (AC). This AC electricity is immediately converted to direct current (DC) because cars use a 12 volt DC electrical system. An empty car battery does not mean that there is a problem with it. It only indicates that the charge is not correct. For this reason, the alternator is also checked if the car does not start.

In new cars, alternator is also called alternator. Basically, the dynamo will be charged by means of a belt called the dynamo belt. When the car is on, the car battery is charged by the alternator so that it is always full. So if your car’s alternator breaks down, its battery will also run out. Note that it is necessary to check the belt between the dynamo and the engine regularly. Because it is necessary to replace this part with the smallest defect.


As we mentioned, the electricity produced by the alternator and also the electricity in the car battery is 12 volts. This voltage is not enough for the spark plug to spark. In fact, car candles need 7000 volts of electricity to create the spark needed for ignition. This is where the role and function of the coil in the car’s electrical system is determined.

The coil is a high pressure transformer that amplifies the power output from the car battery and alternator and transfers it to the spark plug. Basically, the coil consists of two primary coils and a secondary coil, which works based on electromagnetic induction. If you notice that your car engine does not work well or is accompanied by vibration, the coil in the car’s electrical system may have a problem.


Normally, all cars have spark plugs according to the number of cylinders they have. That is, a four-cylinder engine needs four spark plugs for ignition in the engine. Delco is a part that transfers the electricity produced in the coil to the candles and distributes them between them. Meanwhile, Delco is responsible for connecting and disconnecting the coil in the car’s electrical system.

Combustion in car cylinders takes place sequentially. For this reason, the sparks made by the candles must also be in order. Delco also distributes the current of the car between the spark plugs in such a way that the sparks are created in order. In new car electrical systems, Delco is removed and a part that is the result of the combination of coil and Delco is used.


The fuel and air in the car’s cylinders will need a spark to ignite. The role of the spark plug in the car’s electrical system is to create these sparks. This part receives the electric current from the coil and by creating the necessary spark for ignition, it makes the pistons in the cylinder move. The spark plug can be considered as the last electrical component in the car’s electrical system. The better the quality of the spark plugs of a car and at the right time, the better the performance of the car’s engine will be. For this reason, experts recommend that you change your car’s spark plugs after 16,000 to 20,000 kilometers.

candle wire

The electric current that comes out of the car coil has a very high voltage. Transferring this high current to the spark plug requires special and resistant wires known as spark plugs. The higher the quality of the spark plug wire in the car’s electrical system, the lower the energy loss will be. It is also recommended to periodically check the spark plug wire to ensure its health. Of course, the only damage that can happen to these wires is the melting of the coating.

Wires and car power distributors

It can be said that the wire is one of the most widely used devices in the car’s electrical system. In general, the task of transmitting electric current in this system is carried out by a set of wires. All the wires used in the car’s electrical system are coated. The electric current controllers are located in the path of the wires and most of the wires also pass through the fuse box.

fuse box

Between your car battery and every component in your electrical system is a fuse. These devices are designed to fail if the system is overloaded to prevent electrical fires and damage to the components themselves. Fuses come in many shapes and sizes and are rated based on the amperage they can withstand before being damaged.


The battery when the car is off and the alternator when it is on provide electricity to the various parts in the car’s electrical system. But naturally, the parts in this system do not need electricity all the time. For example, car lights don’t have to be on all the time. So the importance of power flow controllers is determined as follows. Controllers are basically buttons and switches placed in electrical circuits. Some of these parts only disconnect and connect the current, and others are able to control the intensity and speed of the current.


Maybe some people don’t have enough information about the importance and role of sockets in car electricity. But the sockets can disable the car if they fail. In general, the sockets connect the wires of the electric current circuits to the parts. Sockets make it easier to connect wires to parts. This part is divided into several categories based on how many strands of wire enter them. Sometimes it happens that we think that one of the parts of the car is damaged, but upon further investigation, we find out that the problem was with the socket of that part.

How the car’s electrical system works

How the car’s electrical system works is a little complicated and easy to understand. All electrical devices in a vehicle are designed with switches or relay system that are all powered by the main energy source (battery). Therefore, immediately the engine is starting the starter, which is an electric device and receives energy from the battery. The combustion process keeps the engine running and the alternator is used to charge the car battery. The voltage of this alternator is lower than the battery voltage when the engine is not running. This is because the current from the battery is used to power the car’s loads and not the alternator. Alternators are designed with diodes that prevent current from flowing into it.

When the engine is running, the alternator current output is higher than the battery voltage. Current flows from the alternator to the electrical load in the vehicle and the battery to charge it. Normally, the alternator output voltage is higher than the battery voltage when the engine is running.

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